Monday, February 13, 2012

Pollinating by hand is it possible?

Pollination: The process by which plant pollen is transferred from the male reproductive organs to the female reproductive organs to form seeds. In flowering plants, pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma, often by the wind or by insects. In cone-bearing plants, male cones release pollen that is usually borne by the wind to the ovules of female cones.

Is it possible to Pollinate plants by hand?

I am trying to grow some Cantaloupe.

Pollinating by hand is it possible?
Yes you can. Determine which are the male flowers and which are the female flowers. Then use a small paint brush and dip it in the male flower and then to the female flower. Simple!
Reply:yes it is. get a feather and pollinate them. lightly caress the pollen organs and transfer the pollen to the next flower. that is how many hybrid plants came into existence. people.

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