Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why do leaves turn upside down when it is about to rain?

We are having a debate at work over this. Is it because of the wind or are they trying to protect the pollen on their surfaces?

Why do leaves turn upside down when it is about to rain?
they're afraid of acid rain.
Reply:They cannot transpire when wet (breathe by evaporation).
Reply:"What about the leaves turning upside down? Well, there is a scientific explanation for this too. You may have heard of the term prevailing winds. Prevailing winds is a name given to the wind direction most often observed in an area. Here in Chester County, they are from the west, northwest in the winter, and southwest in the summer. Leaves that grow under prevailing westerly winds do strange things, when they are suddenly blown in a different direction, such as east, like turning over. And, you guessed it, a change in wind direction often preceeds rain!"

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