Monday, February 13, 2012

Have you ever taken allergy shots for eczema?

I am allergic to: pollen, various trees, dust, mites, nuts and eggs. I have atopic eczema and seborrheic eczema. It was never a big deal, but this year it has flared up on my forehead and I hate it! Thats why I am considering starting an allergy shot treatment. Have you or anyone you know taken allergy shots for these allergies to fight eczema? Can you tell me about your experiences with allergy shots? Thanks a lot.

Have you ever taken allergy shots for eczema?
Hmmm...Thanks for the tip! I need to ask my doctor if there are allergy shots for Excema! Mine is totally intolerable and all over my legs!! UGH.
Reply:Tesoro: Allergy shots are more effective on inhaled allergens than food allergens. If you don't start seeing a difference in about 9 to 12 months, I would discontinue. Immunotherapy either works for a person or it doesn't. If you ever talk to someone that tells you they have been taking allergy shots for 10 years....its not working for them. Unfortunately there is a large population that it does not work on. But for the people that it works on, it makes a big difference in quality of life and controlling health care costs. I am including a link to a great article that speaks to the need for careful patient selection. You might want to read that over and see if you fit into the "ideal" patient category

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