Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Major food shortage in North America. Tainted Bee pollen from China is killing off the bee population.?

For the past several years North American farmers have purchased bee pollens from China. And we will find out that like the animal feeds, they are tainted. As you know the bee population has been on the decrease, They are critical to our food chain. How much time do we have? 5 years if we are lucky. Watch food prices soar and supermarket shelves go empty. What do you think and when will you write your congressman about it.

Major food shortage in North America. Tainted Bee pollen from China is killing off the bee population.?
For those that do not know, bees are trucked around the country and farmers pay the beekeepers to release their bees to pollinate their crops. After the bees are done pollinating the crops they return to their hives and the beekeeper trucks them to the next farm.

While the bee population decline is a problem that needs to be addressed, it is not necessarily of grave concern. Many beekeepers kill off their bees each winter so that they do not have to feed them all winter. Honey is valuable and if they kill the bees, they have all the honey they stored all year. Beekeepers will replenish their bees before the next season and the cycle continues again.

There could be longterm problems, but hopefully scientists will address this issue before it becomes a major problem.
Reply:if the bees are going to die they are going to die everywhere, as far as crops are conserded there are ways of artificial pollination bees help but they arnt totally neccasry i dont think. alot of times a desese will come along and devour a spicies but a small percentage servive. because the are genetically stronger this might happen with honey bees too. but I dont think it can be contained to one country china would have the same problems. if they cant find a virus or someting than it might be someting like cell phones I just dont know why cell phones whould have such an effect of bees.
Reply:the problem is cell phone waves. just try to pry cell phones out of American's hands! that won't happen. I think we have 10 years before we go into a food shortage. either way, i'm stocking up on Ramen noodles NOW!

ps- i think China is trying to kill us all. you saw what they tried to do to our dogs and cats!
Reply:This is only the beginning,but dont be too sure that you may get help from above ,their motives are of a different flavour

check my answer in here it was to long to repeat;...

Rising food prices,shortage of water,both hotter and colder weather,

Ultimately,Famine,Wars and death

in North Africa,India,Mexico ,millions of people are effected by land loss and desertification and some have died as a result of heat waves ,as in France 2 years ago

,the Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year

and most of the desserts we know are a results of mans actions ,and they are increasing

each degree rise in temperature means 10%crop loss

and there is less and less water (because of deforestation) and the overpumping of carbon and surface aquifers ,and more and more agriculture requires irrigation

Arable lands and their farms are lost all over the globe.because of desertification and if the sea levels rise thousands of hectares on coastal lands will b flooded

Northern China is drying up, what once were millions of food producing people, are now hungry refugees ,running for their lives from the all consuming dust storms.

This will have a great effect on world food prices when they start buying at what ever cost, to feed their people.

The farmers have to feed some 70 million more people than the year before but with less topsoil.

Over the last half century,

Population growth %26amp; rising incomes have tripled world grain demand from 640 million tons to 1,855 million

In the near future the global farming community will not be able to feed every body ,food prices will continue to rise. .

potable water is getting at critical levels and people are already fighting over water this will only get worse

Animals ,insects and flora is dying because of differences in temperature ,because links in the food chains are effected.

Albert Einstein said ,that when the bees disappear we have 4 more years to live

Reply:I think china has some issues with trying to keep its economy afloat. To do this its found it needs to cut corners and this has resulted in many products from there being defective and or hazards. I think this will come back to bite china in the long run far more then letting there economy dive for awhile and slowly build it back up. Of course the US is partly responsible for this so its really the US doing itself in by helping china in bad ways.
Reply:What does tainted bee pollens has to do with dead bees. Bee keepers don't feed bee pollens from china, when they can get them for free in the wild or better yet. get paid by farmers to eat their pollens. Chinese bee pollen is for human consumption. I think their is a disease floating around the bee population. Probably mites or fungus. As for Chinese trying to poison us, I fthey were, they wouldn't make it so obvious with poisoning our dogs first. Now FDA is thinking of testing Chinese food more frequently. CHinese is underregulated, and The chinese need to turn back to their communist days and go after these corrupt businesssmen. Besides, the CHinese aren't stupid. They would add chemicals to increase sterility. We won't discover it until decades from now.

choosing ice skates
  • the bees
  • How do you tell the difference in black mold and mildew? The contractor is saying I'm a troublemaker,?

    I've been telling the owner where I live and work that I have black mold, which, the sheetrock behind all the walls, which black has come through the walls, and everytime it rains, which this has been going on for over 6 months, my house is flooded, and the baseboards have just fallen off, ect..covered in black speckled mold, is this black mold or mildew. He says it's mildew, but, this has been going on for such a long time, he hasn't seen it, he's going by what the contractor who has taken over six months to find the leak, and the owner is siding with what the contractor says, and I've gotten repiratory infections twice, stay on antibiotics, and my sinuses/allergies are so bad, which I take meds year round for arn't helping the pain in my face, thus, my dr. doesn't know anything else to do but send me to an ear, nose and throat dr. The owner says, that there is pollen in the air, which I know that, but, take meds for that and my meds arn't working, %26amp; can't keep taking antibiotics.

    How do you tell the difference in black mold and mildew? The contractor is saying I'm a troublemaker,?
    I would tell my landlord that I need to get out of the lease because the place is unlivable. They are obligated by law to provide you a healthy place to live. Its an actual law so dont let him rip you off. If he wont let you out of the lease fee free then tell him you are taking him to court. Trust me it will get the problem fixed one way or the other. I had the same problem. I got out of the lease and still got reimbursed for health care!
    Reply:sounds like you should contact the local Board of Health

    and look for a new place to live (landlord will be pis sed at you,sounds like he has a nice racket with the contractor)

    ps also contact a lawyer (local chapter of Legal Aid)

    as a tennant you DO have rights!!!
    Reply:sounds right.
    Reply:Absolutely what Sneaky said. It's mold, but that doesn't mean mildew can't be there too. That sorry piece that's your landlord needs to get his head on straight and fix the place.

    That could take a while. Meanwhile, you would be better off finding somewhere else to live.
    Reply:Sounds right he probably knows the contractor and he will tell you what the land lord tells him to tell you 6 months hope your'e lookin for a new place.

    Are the nuclei inside the pollen grain monoploid or diploid?

    Pollen Development:

    A pollen grain is an immature male gametophyte.

    It is produced within the sporangium of the anthers.

    The diploid microspore mother cell will undergo meiosis and form 4 haploid microspores.

    The microspores nuclei will undergo mitosis and produce a tube nucleus and a generative nucleus.

    A thick wall forms around the spore in a specific pattern, producing the pollen grain or immature male gametophyte.

    Are the nuclei inside the pollen grain monoploid or diploid?
    monoploid (haploid)
    Reply:The pollen grain being the male part of the new plant is haploid(monoploid)

    Is high pollen really bad for us or ....?

    Is it the fact that our bodies (bad diets and whatnot)cant take it..?..

    There seems to be more and more talk about allergies every year...

    I dont have issues with allergies I just wonder how natural pollen can be making us more sick every year .?

    Is high pollen really bad for us or ....?
    Damn good question. I've thought that trying not to expose people to germs reduces the bodies ability to fight them; it's our normal immune response. But pollen allergies are diffferent, maybe all those chemicals are changing our gene pool. The more society "advances" the more wimps we become, and consequently, easier for nature to off us. We don't need an asteroid like the dinosaurs, we're doing a good job on our own.
    Reply:My son is a chronic asthmatic and from research I've done, it seems that it's not so much the 'natural pollen' as the chemicals and pollutants that go alongside it that creates the problems.

    Recently we moved house and are now in an area surrounded by farms and fields, and I can tell you during the summer we really can't have the doors and windows open because all of us now get runny itchy eyes and breathing problems. When I go home to Ireland the problems clear up
    Reply:I think u have 2 be allergic 2 them 4 them 2 be bad pollen makes the world tick ask the bees

    Bees pollen and royal jelly???

    Ive just bought some bee pollen royal jelly and propolis 3 in 1 tablets. What i want to know is is it the same stuff as honey? and if i eat honey and don't get any allergic reaction would i from these tablets?? i eat honey on a regular basis.

    I do have very mild hayfever in the summer but it has to be really hot for me to get it,and it's no so bad that i have to take stuff for it.

    Can anyone help?

    Bees pollen and royal jelly???
    Bee pollen is not honey, it is a by product of the bees, it gives you energy, as for the allergy i would say just try it, it may not bother you at all. Also you might be allergic to the dust, or a certain flower that grows in your area, that may not be in the bee pollen in the pill. Trial and error is the only to find things that work, but do a lot of research before you try new things. Good Luck
    Reply:interesting article here about the two


    Plant/pollen fertilization?

    Plants typically produce many more pollen grains than there are ovules to fertilize. What is the advantage of doing this?

    Plant/pollen fertilization?
    To maximize the number of ovules that are fertilized. To increase the probability that all ovules are fertilized.

    The cost of the production of extra pollen is far less to the plant species than the possibility of an ovule not being fertilized.
    Reply:indeed the pollen grains are a lot more than the ovules. The advantage of this is that it may not be many fertility assistants in the area, like honeybees or for those plants who are helped being fertilized by the wind, it may be not windy. Also, there's a chance that not all pollen grains are fertile or be sure that all pollen grains will be fertilized.

  • eyeshadow
  • Is tere a pollen filter in a toyota carina e 2000litre gli petrol?

    windows fogging up

    Is tere a pollen filter in a toyota carina e 2000litre gli petrol?
    hahahahahahahaha, mate the toyota's alllll have pollen filters, they are very hard to get to though, you have to take the whole dash board and glove compartment out, then the filter has a box, which you have to open, which contains two filters the one on the left is a pollen filter, the one on the right is a carbon filter, if i was you i would go to toyota dealers , (they charged me £165 for my carina, they opened it up, then they replaced the filters with official toyota carina filters, then they closed it all up)
    Reply:This guy is a very good man, top yahoooooooooerrrr Report It

    Pollen filter?

    where is the pollen filter on my 2000 x-reg mitusbishi space star 1.3 glx

    Pollen filter?

    Pollen grain??

    I need to find some photos of pollen grains in flowering plants. I've so far not been able to find any =[

    Any help would be much appreciated x

    Pollen grain??
    Kindly click on the links below . You will see a number of thumbnail pictures . Click on them one by one to enlarge =;...
    Reply:The pollen grain is the structure used to transport the male gamete (i.e. male DNA) to the female part of a flower. Pollen must be strong to protect the male gametes on their journey. The outer wall of the pollen grain, called the exine, is composed of a very unusual substance called sporopollenin which is very tough. The inner layer is made of cellulose and is similar in construction to an ordinary plant cell wall. Pollen grains are microscopic - usually about 15 to 100 microns - and just a pinch of pollen powder contains thousands and thousands of grains.

    i have some photo but i dont know how to send it

    Nintendo Wii

    Pollen count in red bluff calif?

    concerning allergys in red bluff calif. pollen count/mold

    Pollen count in red bluff calif?
    My son has a real problem on certain days so I have this link on my morning page.

    Its one of the first things I look at so I have an idea of how the day will go.

    2002 SAAB 93 2.3 turbo petrol, pollen filter fitted where?

    I am a vehicle tech and just recently carried out a service on the above and along with the service kit was given a pollen filter. I checked all the usual places without any success, so decided to phone local saab branch who tells me its under glove box nsf, they openly admitted to not changing them because it involved de-gassing the air con and removing the glove box and removing the pipes from around the matrix which i did, guess what, NO pollen filter there. Any ideas where? Any help would be appreciated

    2002 SAAB 93 2.3 turbo petrol, pollen filter fitted where?
    Can't believe they told you that!

    Take off both windscreen wipers, remove the scuttle trim(you have to disconnect the washer tube on the nearside)then remove the black plastic water tray. You will then see the pollen filter! Takes about 10 mins to change.
    Reply:try under the window wipers below the plastic there are a lot of saabs that have the pollen filters there good luck ;)
    Reply:That is where it should have been, If it is not new then someone may have removed the old one.
    Reply:hahah it obviously wasnt a dealership. yah u may have to take the passenger windshield wiper arm off as well...but yah its under that plastic cowl

  • clear cream
  • Does grass pollen cause your skin to itch? My son feels itchy outside even without touching grass.?

    His skin is more itchy if he is in grass. Thanks!

    Does grass pollen cause your skin to itch? My son feels itchy outside even without touching grass.?
    My son is also allergic to grass as well as many other outside allergens. The only way to know for sure is to have him allergy tested, it's not particularly pleasant and may even only be useful if your son reacts to many 'unknowns' as my son did. I found the best allergy medication was Zyrtec as it didn't make him drowsy and it's good for both indoor and outdoor allergens. If you don't want to put him on meds during summer season then you can always make him bathe and wash his hair after he's been out and if his skin itches use Tea Tree oil. Good luck!
    Reply:Yup, grass pollen is one of the worst allergens out there.
    Reply:It can, since it is in the air and can get on your skin. Time for some allergy medication and skin lotion.
    Reply:Have you ever had him tested for enviromental allegeries?

    Could be from the grass, trees, just about anything growing outside.
    Reply:Yeah. Take him to the doctor and do an allergy test.


    During the spring, summer, and fall, plants release pollen (a fine powder that is carried by the wind from plant to plant in order to fertilize them). Each microscopic grain of pollen contains proteins that can cause allergic reactions when breathed in. These proteins can trigger asthma symptoms. Grasses, trees, and weeds (such as ragweed) are most often responsible for causing allergies.
    Reply:. . .Sounds like your son is allergic to grass pollen. It doesn't have that effect on me, though.
    Reply:s i think, coz i have it too!!!!!!!

    Does grass pollen cause your skin to itch? My son feels itchy outside even without touching grass.?

    His skin is more itchy if he is in grass. Thanks!

    Does grass pollen cause your skin to itch? My son feels itchy outside even without touching grass.?
    My son is also allergic to grass as well as many other outside allergens. The only way to know for sure is to have him allergy tested, it's not particularly pleasant and may even only be useful if your son reacts to many 'unknowns' as my son did. I found the best allergy medication was Zyrtec as it didn't make him drowsy and it's good for both indoor and outdoor allergens. If you don't want to put him on meds during summer season then you can always make him bathe and wash his hair after he's been out and if his skin itches use Tea Tree oil. Good luck!
    Reply:Yup, grass pollen is one of the worst allergens out there.
    Reply:It can, since it is in the air and can get on your skin. Time for some allergy medication and skin lotion.
    Reply:Have you ever had him tested for enviromental allegeries?

    Could be from the grass, trees, just about anything growing outside.
    Reply:Yeah. Take him to the doctor and do an allergy test.


    During the spring, summer, and fall, plants release pollen (a fine powder that is carried by the wind from plant to plant in order to fertilize them). Each microscopic grain of pollen contains proteins that can cause allergic reactions when breathed in. These proteins can trigger asthma symptoms. Grasses, trees, and weeds (such as ragweed) are most often responsible for causing allergies.
    Reply:. . .Sounds like your son is allergic to grass pollen. It doesn't have that effect on me, though.
    Reply:s i think, coz i have it too!!!!!!!


    Yesterday, my allergies went crazy and all afternoon I was not that bad. Why the difference?

    I believe that I have seasonal allergies. I took a claritin and then took some more allergy medicine later and basically passed out. I'm just curious what causes seaonal allergies and what some good remedies are for it? Also, is there a way to know in advance if the air outside will be bad for allergies? I'm assuming that seasonal allergies are due to pollen and mold in the air. Maybe someone with more expertise in this field could kindly go in to detail about it for me. Thanks.

    Yesterday, my allergies went crazy and all afternoon I was not that bad. Why the difference?
    It depends on how much and what type of pollen is in the air. The more pollen in the air, the worse your symptoms will be. That is, if you're allergic to that particular type. I believe The Weather Channel website has a link for pollen/allergens.
    Reply:Seasonal allergies happen when people are allergic to allergens that are only around during certain seasons. In spring leaves open and tree pollen is everywhere. Since I'm allergic to tree pollen I'm very aware of the timing. I had a lot of trouble starting yesterday as well. Daffodils can bloom, crocuses sprout, etc, but when the leaves come out I'm in agony.

    Rain sometimes keeps tree pollen out of the air by running it down the drain. So wet weather can help with tree pollen allergies.

    See your doctor. I used to take Claritin, but now I take Nasonex, which helps. I also take Allegra, both are available by prescription. There are lots of medications available. Find one that works for you.
    Reply:Brian: Since you have not been properly diagnosed by an allergist or immunologist, you are only guessing at what is going on. If in fact you have seasonal rhinitis (allergy) then your symptoms will be present when the pollens to which you react are present.

    If you are in the U.S., you can check out Pollen.Com to get your local pollen forecast. Generally spring is the time for tree pollen, summer the time for grass pollen, and fall the time for weed pollen. The best method of control for all allergies is avoidance. That means knowing exactly which pollens cause an allergic reaction and then avoiding them. The second part of allergy control is immunotherapy and the third is medication. Pollen counts are highest early in the morning and on windy days. They are lowest just after a rain. If you have to be outside on high pollen count days, come in as soon as possible, take a shower, wash your hair, and change your clothes. This is because your body, hair and clothing will be loaded with pollen and you are just going to spread it all over your house. Same goes for pets. They carry pollen in on their fur so keep them inside as much as possible. Keep doors and windows closed. If you must have a window open, you can get these special screens (I will give you a link) but it is best to keep them closed. Some people believe that taking a spoonful of local honey will act as a natural immunotherapy. The problem is that the pollens that cause allergy are white, very light, and air-borne....the pollens to which bees are attracted are heavy, yellow, and waxy, so bees really don't visit the allergy causing plants. If you need to take a pill, loratadine is good at blocking histamine without sedating side effects. Some people also like to rinse with a neti pot, but that only takes care of any pollen in the nasal passages. you can prevent inhaling pollen by wearing a mask. I hope that is enough detail...if it is not, I can give more :o)

    Are there any allergy medications that are safe to take during pregnancy?

    I haven't had a bout with allergies the entire time I've been pregnant until recently. We've had a lot of wind that has stirred up dirt and pollen, and last Wednesday I was so miserable with puffy eyes and balloon for a head that I called in.

    I know Tylenol is most likely the only thing to take when pregnant, but all it can really do is relieve headaches--not allergies. Is there any form of allergy medication that is SAFE to use?

    Are there any allergy medications that are safe to take during pregnancy?
    I would recommend you use the powerful antioxidant Isotonix OPC-3, it's not a drug or medication so you wouldn't have to worry about side-effects etc.. It is a natural supplement containing the three antioxidants grape seed extract, red wine extract, and another powerful antioxidant called Pycnogenol which is a natural plant extract from the bark of the maritime pine tree which grows exclusively along the coast of southwest France. Pycnogenol is the main antioxidant in OPC-3 that will help with your allergies. All three antioxidants are put into one supplement hence the name OPC-3. The supplement is in isotonic form when mixed with the right amount of water so you receive superior delivery and absorption in your body. it’s isotonic capable, meaning it’s the same pH levels of the other fluids in your body such as your blood, plasma, tears, etc. isotonic capable supplements are the next best thing to IV (when doctors inject medication immediately into your blood stream) or the shots you're receiving now; when you drink a supplement that’s isotonic your stomach does not have to change it to match your body, it enters your small intestines within minutes. If your allergies are acting up, on an empty stomach once you take OPC-3 you will feel the relief within minutes because the body does not have to break down a pill or change the pH level, it is absorbed right away.

    All the information on OPC-3 can be found at

    At your local health and nutrition stores they sell OPC or OPC-1 for more money, and you only receive anywhere from 30% to 40% of what’s on the nutrition label due to the fact the supplement is not Isotonic capable. OPC-3 is also the only antioxidant with Pycnogenol.

    Hope this helped
    Reply:My doctor told me plain Sudafed is OK to take. Benadryl is also OK.
    Reply:Benadryl - typically, but talk to your doctor first.

    My friend was having trouble sleeping, and she was given benadryl to help her sleep. (She didn't need it for allergies, but that's it's intended use any how!)
    Reply:my doctor told me that i could take benedryl but you might want to check with your doctor first before you take anything.
    Reply:My mid-wife told me to take 25mg Benadryl but, call your doc to to cheak.
    Reply:I'm pretty sure most of your OTC allergy meds are safe for use during pregnancy.

    My sister has monsterous allergies, and I'm fairly certain she took Claritin daily while she was pregnant with both of my nephews (and she had two really big, healthy babies... one is four and is as smart and active as any four-year-old, and the other is a month old and has no serious problems other than a little acid reflux).

    You should call your doctor's office and ask for a nurse to call you back. She would be able to answer your question, and every doctor I've ever had had an answering service that would have one of the nurses call back within a few minutes.
    Reply:I have been taking Loratadine almost my entire pregnancy. The brand name is Claritin, but I always buy the generic kind. You can buy it over-the-counter at any drugstore. Check with the pharmacist first though in case any of the other meds you might be taking could cause an interaction.
    Reply:Nasalcort is safe to take during pregnancy. With respect to antihistamines, over the counter chlorpheniramine (Chlor-trimeton) or diphenhydramine (benadryl) are safe as are decongestants. Irrigation with saline using the Sinus Rinse (OTC) is also effective and safe.
    Reply:You can take Benedryl or even Clortrimeton. For the puffy eyes, you might just want to get some Visine AR it'll help the eyes without putting more meds in your blood system. As for the puffy head, I'd reccomend trying a hot shower, tylenol, and resting and if that doesn't cut it add the Benedryl and be ready for sleep!

    I want to know about a specific purple and white wildflower.?

    It is a single blossom per stem, with three lilac colored oval petals centered with white and spots of dark violet. Overlaying these three petals are three more tiny petals, dark violet and appearing curled. There are three short stamens in the center, each with yellow pollen. When the flowers curl up and die, they exude a beautiful deep purplish dye. What is this flower?

    I want to know about a specific purple and white wildflower.?
    They sound like Snow Glories. We have had these delicate and delightful flowers in our yard for over twenty years. The have spread out over the years and are usually done before the grass needs it's first cutting.

    We have some photos at our website-

    Reply:Is it a passion flower??They come in red also..beautiful!

  • colorstay
  • My 15 month old has a bad cough? Any suggestions on getting ride of it the SAFE way?

    It seems to really get bad at night...She's had it for about a week now. She has allergy's %26amp; with the weather changing and pollen flying she has gotten a running nose and cough.

    My 15 month old has a bad cough? Any suggestions on getting ride of it the SAFE way?
    Saline nasal drops from the chemist they have them for infants - if you don't have a humidifier - buy one or rent one from the chemist. or sit in the bathroom with the shower on to create steam. If she has had a fever and has been coughing for a week , I would suggest a visit to the doctor to ensure it hasn't become bacterial. She may well need anti-biotics to help fight it. An untreated bacterial infection can have a lot worse complications, such as bronchitis or pneumonia both which untreated can lead to hospitalisation, and a very sick child. good luck hope things work out for the best.
    Reply:i have not tried this yet but i will when anyone gets a cough.

    i have several friends who say it really works great!!

    apply a generous amound of vicks vapour rub on your little ones feet at bedtime and cover with socks.

    this is supposed to greatly help with nighttime cough

    and works for adults as well

    hope this helps-in addition to other things you try. i was also going to suggest the cool mist vaporizer
    Reply:yes take your baby to the doctors
    Reply:You should have the doctor check her out - a cough which is worse at night can be a symptom of asthma in small children.

    To make her more comfortable you can try raising the head of her bed/cot (put the legs on bricks) - if she's coughing because her nose is running down her throat it might help a bit.
    Reply:depending on where you live, if you have been running your heat night and day, your house is dry which can add to the problem... The cough is caused from mucus dripping down the back of her throat when she sleeps. Make sure she sleeps a little up right (you will want her in your bed for this) and make sure she drinks no milk, NO milk. Milk and dairy increases mucus production. You may want to give her a saline solution that you rinse her nose (purchase these at any drug store) that is age appropriate. Lastly, if she isn't allergic to HONEY, purchase honey that is collected w/in 25 to 50 miles of your home. Every day she should take a 1/2 teaspoon twice a day. This will help get rid of her pollen allergies. Good Luck.. the only problem w/this is that if you don't take her to a doctor, you could be setting her up for chronic sinus infections, before you start any homeopathic cures, I always talk with my doctor... I hope your little one feels better~
    Reply:My 7 month old daughter experienced the same thing so I took her to the DR and they said nothing can be done and in a few days it will go away it's self and the Dr was right, it did go away a few days later.
    Reply:-humidifier - keep it running as long as possible

    -keep her laying tilted, about 45 degree or higher but comfortable - let her sleep on a car seat if possible

    - a teaspoon of honey before bed

    - heat up a table spoon of Dr.pepper - yes the soda - let it cool a little and give it to her before bed - alternative to honey

    a week cough for a 15 month is worry some at least for me, i would have her checked up. just to rule out pneumonia or bronchitis . always check her temp. fever means its not allergies but an infection.

    if you have a stethoscope, check for wheezing or shortness of breath and rapid heart beat.

    running shoes

    When will the government talk about the health hazards of plastic dust?

    Plastic dust is something governments just don't want to talk about.. Its causing cancer, but they won't tell you that. Those allergies bad? Its because of plastic dust. They blame pollen. Plastic is bad bad bad.. When it finially breaks down into minscule dust - we breath it in and it also causes depression. Comments?

    When will the government talk about the health hazards of plastic dust?
    I don't think so.The government always covers things like this up.

    I swear i just saw a humming bird, is this normal?

    we were eating dinner and we saw a hummingbird on the flowers outside.

    it was about the size of half of a palm and it was beating its wings and sucking out pollen from a flower.

    i've never seen one before in real life.

    is it unusual to see a hummingbird in the uk?

    I swear i just saw a humming bird, is this normal?
    We have them by the hundreds where I am in West Virginia, and many of us feed the little creatures with red colored sugar water. I go through about 1 gallon a week until they migrate.

    The same brood will return next spring....that is really amazing!
    Reply:Not sure about the UK but in Texas I have a feeder outside my window and I see 25 to 30 every evening. beautiful ha?
    Reply:yes it is..they are amazing lil creatures..
    Reply:Yah you can see them anywhere except colder climates. I get to see them here in gloucester ma.
    Reply:I don't live in the UK, but its hummer season. Try putting a feeder out for them. They are inexpensive and you will get more hummers. They usually disappear about mid to late October though. But, if you feed them, they usually return. It's uncanny how they remember. I have about 20 + with just two feeders.
    Reply:Humming birds are very common. Yes, they are attracted to bright flowers. Mainly red, yellow etc. They suck the nectar %26amp; pollen. There are many types. Yes, they are fun to watch and great creatures.
    Reply:I see them from time to time, but I am in Michigan USA-
    Reply:I see them every night at home - I have a feeder. But I live in the USA near St Louis.
    Reply:Hummingbirds only live in the New World, so you probably didn't see one. It's very likely that you saw a kind of moth that looks so much like a hummingbird that it is called the hummingbird moth. You will also find them called hawkmoths.
    Reply:I'm not in the UK but this is the time of year they become incredibly active. They go on a feeding frenzy this time of year, just before they migrate. So, sightings become quite common.

    Here in the US, they are everywhere in South Carolina. Then, the first full moon of October, they all make a beeline for Mexico. Its amazing that these tiny little birds can fly all the way across the Guld of Mexico to their winter home. I have no idea how they do that. If I have to drive downtown, I usually need to stop for a burger on the way (20 miles).
    Reply:I don't think anything is usual anymore. We get falcons and other weird birds that never used to come here. But they are losing their more natural habitats and have no where else to go but the city. In California we see hummingbirds all the time. Aren't they so cool and tiny. :-)

    How Do I Get Rid of a Tension Headache?

    I need a new pillow-- it happens just about every morning when I wake up. From right between my shoulder blades to midway up the back of my neck/head feels so tight. My husband tries to massage out the knots, but then they come back. I've tried Bayer Tension Headache Relief as well as ibuprophen, but the headache just comes back. And it seems to be related to my sinuses too. I'm having horrible allergies right now from all this stupid pollen. Other than buying a new pillow, any suggestions?

    How Do I Get Rid of a Tension Headache?
    I wonder if you don't have sinus headaches, as they feel like tension headaches too. Try a few things. Flip the mattress as it could be getting worn down. Try taking a sinus med. that you spray in your nose (like flonase). If it's a sinus headache, the pain will start to go away within a day or so. Lastly take a hot bath at night and a hot shower in the morning so the heat can ease away the pain. If this isn't possible get some of those little heating patches that you can buy. Stick it to the inside of your shirt and let it heat away the pain. Feel better soon.
    Reply:You could try and allergy med like Zytec, it just came out onto store shelves but was previously available by prescription only. It's a little pricy but worth the lesser headaches and stuffies. Other than that, headache while sleeping can be caused but room temp. compared to the temp under your blankets try not to bundle up and at the same time have AC or a fan blasting on you to cold, this tricks the vessesls in and around your head causing constriction and headaches
    Reply:i get them at work all the time. try these stretches

    1. look forward and drop your chin down towards your chest. tilt your head to the right, bringing your ear towards your shoulder (keep shoulders relaxed). breathe deep and hold for 15-20 sec. repeat on the left side

    2. look to the right as far as you can, drop your chin down. breathe and hold for 15-20 sec. reapeat on the left side
    Reply:A chiropractor and a heated massage from a reputable therapist... also, get some lavender essential oil to help bring about some calm. Rub it into your neck and at the base of your skull.
    Reply:massage your temples in a rotating manner for a count of 10 (lightly) keep repeating, and the headache will be gone.
    Reply:It could be a sinus infection, otherwise just try and calm down, don't be such a tense person
    Reply:Vodka Tonic

    Is it possible that my kitten has allergies?

    Is it possible that my kitten has spring allergies, like humans? He seems to be sneezing recently, but it wasn't until he was hanging out by open windows (don't worry the windows are only open when I can watch him and make sure he is safe!!!)...could it be allergies?? I know I have an allergy to pollen, maybe he does to?

    Is it possible that my kitten has allergies?
    yes its possible. You can give him Benedyrl to help with the symptoms just call your vet for the dosage.
    Reply:Yes, indeed. The best thing to do would be to take a good look at the ingredients of the food your kitty is eating and start to eliminate things. Allergies from food usually stem from grain products, so start there. It could, however, be outdoor allergies, too... If your kitty is an outside as well as inside kitty, you'll have to watch the allergen reports on the news and what not and pay attention to how your kitty responds to being outside and correlate that to the allergens in the air. Good luck to you and your baby!
    Reply:it could be - we - cats %26amp; humans - catch a lot of the same things....
    Reply:of course

    Help for melasma
  • blush makeup
  • What is the study of pollen called?

    It is 'Palynology'.

    Palynology is the science that studies contemporary and fossil palynomorphs, including pollen, spores, dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs, chitinozoans and scolecodonts, together with particulate organic matter (POM) and kerogen found in sedimentary rocks and sediments.

    The term palynology was introduced by Hyde and Williams in 1944, following correspondence with the Swedish geologist Antevs, in the pages of the Pollen Analysis Circular (one of the first journals devoted to pollen analysis, and produced by Paul Sears in North America). Hyde and Williams chose palynology on the basis of the Greek words paluno meaning 'to sprinkle' and pale meaning 'dust' (and thus similar to the Latin word pollen).

    Palynology is an interdisciplinary science and is a branch of earth science (geology or geological science) and biological science (biology), particularly plant science (botany).

    Stratigraphical palynology is a branch of micropalaeontology and paleobotany which studies fossil palynomorphs from the Precambrian to the Holocene.

    What is the study of pollen called?
    ?pollenology? Just joking!!!!!

    It's: Palynology

    (Look up: Melissopalynology in google too)

    Hope this helps...
    Reply:it is called palynology.

    Pollen filter..Vauxhall Tigra?

    Hi, i was just wondering if a pollen filter shood be waterproof. what prevents rain water from going past it. should ther be a cover over it?? its just that my tigra is colecting water below the pollen filter.. its just going through it from the grills above. any ideas?? thanks

    Pollen filter..Vauxhall Tigra?
    Some cars have it some don't... your best option is to contact the manufacturer.

    Pollen filter?

    Hi, i was just wondering if a pollen filter shood be waterproof. what prevents rain water from going past it. should ther be a cover over it?? its just that my tigra is colecting water below the pollen filter.. its just going through it from the grills above. any ideas?? thanks

    Pollen filter?
    Pollen Filter?

    that expression came from secondary filter in the diesel fuel engine..which filter one micron.(less than pollen)

    has to be that way because the not tolerances in the injector nozzle

    Is "GNC Natural Brand Bee Pollen Whole Granules" imported?

    Is this product imported and only distributed by USA or is it both made and distributed by USA?

    Is "GNC Natural Brand Bee Pollen Whole Granules" imported?
    I would never feed GNC to my dog! OK, I'll get serious, now. GNC is a corporation. They will contract bee pollen from the cheapest source possible and what you are buying could be from "anywhere at anytime." It's a business.

    However, they still have the nutritional properties much touted for bee pollen, just not the benefits of it being harvested in your local area for other side benefits.

    My favorite source for bee pollen is my local farmer's market, which would be the best way for anyone to purchase bee pollen, because they are harvested from the local bees who collect pollen from the plants that are common in your area, which makes a difference when consuming them to prevent allergies.

    I also buy bee pollen from David Wolf (google his name), he offers organic foods as well as bee pollen, which is my second source because its very fresh, and the quality is high. Just not local.

    For those of you who haven't tried bee pollen, I love to put it in my cereal or smoothies as a natural sweetener or a small handful as a snack to keep blood sugar even and energy up in between a meal.

    Have a great day.
    Reply:I agree, I wouldn't use anything from GNC.

    riding boots

    Pollen allergies?

    At the beginning of spring I usually have a cold/cough/throat ache/itchy eyes from the pollen. But maybe it won't be so bad this time cuz I've been eating oranges everyday? Is it a bad idea to stay outside when the weather is nice but the pollen count is really high? Is ther anyway to prevent/control allergies? Thanks.

    Pollen allergies?
    water! water really helps me when pollen is around. Pollen has no effect on me when i drink water. Try to cut out sugar, because it is breaking down your immune system, which cant fight out the allergies if your eating sugar all the time. But if you drink water often(about6 cups a day), you'll be an pollen free person!!!
    Reply:there are many ways. you could go to your GP and tell them your symptoms and they will probably prescribe you an anti-allergy or you could go to your chemist and buy anti-allergy tablets like periton although i don't think they work as well as prescribe ones

    hope this helps!!
    Reply:I'm not really sure if vitamin C is going to help you. =/ It's not that your immune system is underactive; it's overactive. I've heard that eating certain fruits can actually make allergies worse. There really is no cure for them. The best thing it to avoid the allergen as best as you can, and find a medication that works good.

    Some of those natural treatments may work for you, though. Everybody is different.

  • makeup school
  • What is the pollen count where you are?

    And you thought I was going to ask what time it is again. Finally got a watch. Oh. . . .what is the dew point and the barometric pressure too?

    What is the pollen count where you are?
    I'm upto over a billion in pollen dust in a square foot and still counting. Oh crap!!! u made me lose count...hmm...1, 2, 3....

    The dewpoint is 18 degrees celcius and barometric pressure is 101.71 and falling. I'm living in a new house without central air and there is dew all over me. Its about 100 degrees farenheit inside and 72 degrees farenheit. I'm pretty close to being naked.

    God bless U,



    About how many pollen cells are present in each anther?

    Its around 2- 2.5 million

    About how many pollen cells are present in each anther?
    Reply:depends entirely on the species. In rye, for instance, counts range from about 500 to 2100 per anther; Cannabis about 70,000 pollen grains per anther.

    In general, a minimum of about 200 grains of pollen per anther is required for plants that are animal-pollinated to have good seed production, and about 1000 for wind pollinated plants.
    Reply:Oh my god...millions of you know how small pollens are?

    How long do I need to wait for an allergic reaction to stop?

    I discovered I have an allergy to oak pollen while I was on vacation last week. The pollen count was over 900 or something like that. I was MISERABLE. I arrived home yesterday and I feel better, but my sinuses are still very clogged and my eyes are still very red and itchy. WHEN WILL IT END!?

    How long do I need to wait for an allergic reaction to stop?
    well i can't really tell you when will it end but to make it go away faster you could deffinetly take some allergie medicine like claritin, also you would have to take it everyday and then if you ever get where there is oak pollen you won't get such a bad reaction...also wearing sunglases when you go outside where there is pollen helps because then it won't get in your eyes and cause reaction...but if there is no oak pollen where you are living give it couple days and also take some allergie medicine...

    family nanny

    Can you take prescibed allergy medicines to Army Basic Training?

    I am going to Basic Training in May to Fort Lwood and for the National Guard. I heard ragweed pollen levels are high there and I recently have had allergy problems such as very teary eyes due to pollen affecting my tear ducts and sneezing. I got some prescribed Zyretec D (Decongestant). I know that it would greatly affect my training if the ragweed there were to affect me. Are allergy medications allowed to be used or represcibed by a military doctor?

    Can you take prescibed allergy medicines to Army Basic Training?
    I'm assuming if you already have a shipdate, you should just ask your recruiter... but i immagine if you need it badly, it will be prescribed to you.
    Reply:You will be out of season for ragweed in MO in that time frame.

    Surely, you have discussed this with a medic or someone who is handling your paperwork. Basic is no place to be miserable from allergies or from the effects of medication.

    Get yourself ahead of the game on this. This forum is just not exactly ideal.
    Reply:The army started a study recently to find out why so many young soldiers are dying from accidental prescription drug overdoses. Most of the cost effective medicine they are allowed to carry is very outdated and their combinations can and are deadly. I don't know what old generic replacement they carry for Zyretec, but be very careful.
    Reply:You can get prescribed medicine from the military doctors there, but actually getting to see a doctor in Basic Training is next to impossible. Bring it with you (that's what I did, though it was a hassle, but everything is in the military!) or if you are really worried, ask your Recruiter.
    Reply:If you are so dependent on allergy medication, how did you pass the physical???
    Reply:make sure your recruiter puts it in your packet b4 you go to MEPS for your physical and they'll make sure you can have your meds at basic....

    trust me man, i was there a couple years ago for BCT and im not lying when they refer it to missery, they mean just that...that place is a hole, and going in may, youll be there for two months and dear god is it hot. get used to sweating ALL THE TIME.
    Reply:If you need allergy medicine while you're in boot camp, you'll have to go to medical and have it prescribed by a military doctor.

    Why do flowers have so many more pollen grain than ovules?

    the ovule is stationary, the pollen grains have to be moved by wind or insects and "find" the ovule.

    Why do flowers have so many more pollen grain than ovules?
    so tht the pollen grain would more ways to b spread by other vector (human, insects,animals) bt ovules remain stationary.

  • oily skin
  • Is it possible to develop animal allergies later in life?

    I've been around dogs and cats my whole life and NEVER have had a problem with allergies. Last week I had the flu and I thought I was over it, but yesterday I started sneezing a lot and my nose is running like a leaky faucet. I have two cats, and like I said, I've never had a single problem. Is it possible that I have allergies to something such as pollen? (the weather was very warm yesterday compared to really cold temperatures). Is it possible that I just am not over my flu? (it doesn't feel quite like the flu) Or did I get a mild cold? What is going on? I can't live like this! I'm hoping it's just pollen or something. Anyone have any thoughts?

    Is it possible to develop animal allergies later in life?
    Yes, it is certainly possible to develop allergies as an adult. Actually, it's been building up in your body and you've reached the point where you've developed symptoms. I had cats all my life and had no problems until adulthood. Same with airborne pollen. It reached the point I developed mild asthma and medication wasn't working. My doctor recommended being tested to see what, specifically, I was allergic to. Turns out it is cat dander AND some airborne pollens. I started allergy shots, and they made a marked improvement. I took them for 10 years and now my symptoms, while not entirely gone, have really improved to the point I don't need them. All I need is an occasional antihistamine.

    If your symptoms continue, check with you doctor and consider being tested. Good luck!
    Reply:Yes, it is. I became allergic to cats after I turned 30. Don't know the exact age I was, but one day my mom's cats started to bother me.
    Reply:I am not a doctor and you should probably see one if you are still sick. However, it is possible to develop allergies later on in life. Your body goes through a change in cycles about every seven years or so. You will grow out of allergies and gain some new ones. Unfortunately it is a part of life. If it is allergies, Benedryl taken in capsule form will work for you. If not, defenitely go back to see your doctor.
    Reply:I developed an allergy to cats aged 14, so I guess it is possible when you are past childhood.

    If you go to your doctor then they can do an allergy test and find out what, if anything, you are allergic to.
    Reply:You could be having a reaction to pollen, but it could be a combination of things including animals and/or food and you'll never know unless you get tested. People get new allergies all the time. I suggest you get allergy testing. Find out what's really bothering you and get a treatment plan for it. Every year your allergies could continue to get worse without treatment and you'll think wow, I keep getting sick! It's not a cold or the flu that you have for weeks on end, it's allergies!
    Reply:Allergies of any kind may attack you at any age. Although, you have not been allergic, could suddenly be allergic to animal dander, and/or most anything else. It is really sad to develop allergies to the animals we love so much. I would not take the idea that this was the only thing your sneezing could be from, right now. You say the weather is different, that you are getting over the flu, and there seem to be other reasons that you could just be overy succeptable to respiratory problems right now. Wait for a while. When you feel better, are really OVER the flu and the weather isn't so full of pollen, you may find your cats and you get along just fine!

    Why do I seem to have so many allergies?

    I live in the Northwest...Oregon to be exact, and I seem to have some very awful seasonal allergies. I have known for a long time that pollen and grass are my biggest offenders, but the allergy reports for my area say that the pollen counts are low enough that not many of us should suffer like we do. What gives?

    Why do I seem to have so many allergies?
    The atmosphere is becoming increasingly polluted. If you want relief from all the air born allergies in your area, take a teaspoon of LOCAL honey each day and your body will develop immunities to these irritants. Pollen, smog, mold dust, pet dander, etc will all be controlled with local honey. You will boost your all around general immunity with local honey as well. Like all herbal remedies, it will take a month or so to become effective but there are no side effects or long term damage caused by ingesting local honey.
    Reply:Go to your town hall and ask about bee keepers in your town. Usually the meetings are there. If not, try the small local stores or ice cream stands in yor town or at least within 50 miles of your house. Report It

    shoes stock

    How are angiosperms different from gymnosperms?

    A.) Angiosperms do not produce pollen.

    B.) Gymnosperms do not produce pollen.

    C.) Angiosperms produce seeds.

    D.) Angiosperms produce fruits.

    How are angiosperms different from gymnosperms?
    D.) Angiosperms produce fruits.

    Only angiosperms produce fruit and flowers. Gymnosperms produce seeds, but they are naked, as in cones, not surrounded by fleshy fruit like an apple. Both produce pollen.
    Reply:angiosperms produce fruit

    Can I be allergic to one cat and not the other?

    My family just adopted a new cat about a week and a half ago. She's a 7 month old short hair calico. Little doll. But lately, I've noticed my allergies have been going crazy? I thought it was because of the pollen in the air, but when I'm away from home, I'm absolutely fine. But as soon as I get home, my allergies go nuts. I can't see, my throat gets itchy, and I can't stop sneezing. I think I'm starting to break out it hives as well.

    I'd say it was just the new cat, but we already had a cat before her. He has never affected me at all, and I've had him for a year (long hair, year old black male), while I've had her for a week, and I'm practically dying. Explanation please?

    Can I be allergic to one cat and not the other?
    Different cats can have different types of dander and that is usually what triggers allergic reactions.

    I had regular house cats and then my sister brought home an Irish Point and boy did I have a terrrible reaction to this cat.

    Of course we didn't know what was causing the problem at first but fortunately our Dr. also happens to be a cat person and made the connection.

    The cat had to go live some where else.

    You should check with your Dr. and you may also want to find out if the cat had been treated with anything (flea powder) just to rule that out too.

    Good luck.
    Reply:maybe because its a new cat. or it has something in its fur.
    Reply:you have no maybe allergies

    Grass pollen allergy?

    My son is 14 months and I think he is allergic to grass pollen. He gets a rash on the skin when he is in contact with the grass. He is always with running nose for almost now 2 months.

    Could it be grass pollen allergy? and if it is, what should I do?

    Grass pollen allergy?
    OK, OK..let's clear this up! A patient currently aged 14 months HAS lived through the required TWO grass pollen seasons now (spring of 2005, and 2006!). During last spring's season, your son got "sensitized" vs. grass (and other pollens and non-pollen allergens potentially), and this spring's season he has developed symptoms of HYPERsensitivity (a/k/a "allergy") which is simply an over-active, mis-targeted immune system reaction. This reaction is manifested by typical "allergy" symptoms (runny, itch, drippy nose, sneezing, congestion, and occasionally eye/ocular symptoms and skin reactions..even full blown bronchial asthma). Your reported history here IS consistent with either grass pollenosis and/or possibly something such as small insect bite reactions as well. Bottom line: Skin testing remains the "gold standard" of diagnosis in the hands of a skilled allergy nurse/tech and interpreted by a board-certified Allergist-Immunologist! (like me!).

    Sure hope that helps! Good luck to you...AND your son! Not sure WHERE you wrote from, but in most places in No. America...the good news is that most grasses finish pollenating by about the 4th of July at the latest!
    Reply:It could be grass pollen allergy. You should first have him take some antibiotic's or some antihistamine's to calm the rashes and the runny nose. Keep him off the grass as much as possible until you get him a doctors appoiment so you can make sure. Make sure you have something that might help relieve the symptoms of being of the grass where ever you go. If you go to the park and he has a rash starting get him some antibiotic's and have him stop playing for a while or until it kicks in.
    Reply:It does sound like a grass contact/pollen allergy. Take him to the pediatrician.

    Your son might be too young, but they have something called "specific immunotherapy" that could deal with it. Here's some info:
    Reply:the best way for you to be sure is by getting an allergy test.

    Just ask his doctor for more info on allergy tests, they are very effective, not only does it tell you if he is allergic to pollen, it also tells you if he is allergic to anything else.

    after you are 100% certain you can move on from there.

  • blush
  • How can an allergy sufferer keep the house cool and keep the cost down?

    I know most say open windows and put celing fans on but when you have allergies keeping windows open is the worst thing to do (your allowing pollen %26amp; dust to come in). Celing fans will blow any household dust around. So what can I do to keep cost down??

    How can an allergy sufferer keep the house cool and keep the cost down?
    First of all, wipe furnitures, ceiling fans frequently. Use damp rags but rinse it thoroughly and frequently so you do not wipe dust on dust! Vacumm - use Dison (very good) and dust do not fly around. Mop the floor twice to clear excess dust. Do all this at least once a week.

    So if you keep ceiling fans on, it will keep your house cool and with less dust on furnitures and fans, it wont fly around.
    Reply:Air conditioners or Air cleaners have filters in them that will catch most airborne large particles.

    Ionic air cleaners are the best but costly, but there are lower cost tower fans out there that have air cleaners in them as well.
    Reply:They have those new allergy reducer fans now at places like Target and Walmart that may help. They are kind of expensive but worth it for your piece of mind. Good luck!
    Reply:My house is well insulated and I have a power fan in my attic, that kicks on when the temperature in the attic is over 90 degrees F. It pulls outside air into my attic through vents under my eaves. This helps keep the house cooler by keeping the attic cooler.

    You can also use a good air filter on you airconditioning. I use a Aprilaire media air cleaner, instead of a regular cartridge air cleaner. I change it once a year and it catchs a lot more of the dust and pollen.

    Plant trees outside your house that shade your house during the day. It may take a couple of years before they are big enough.

    Use lighter colored shingles on your roof. To reflect more light/heat.
    Reply:Try a couple inexpensive box fans with your own home made wet cloth filters? Just wash and reuse as needed. A humidifier could keep dust down if it is the source of your allergies. If it is mold spores a dehumidifier may help.

    Knowing what you are allergic to would help answer your question.
    Reply:Close shades or curtains to block out the heat on the windows from the sun. Block warm air around bottom of door with a rolled up towel. Think in terms of summerize as you would winterize for your home.
    Reply:I know its expensive but an easy solution. Shut your house in the morning, close it all, and open it up at night. For indoor allergens try to use an air purifier but still change your bed clothing often. Remember to use a steamer on your mattress for cleaning it kills most dust mites. Use air conditioner from 1:00 pm until sun down and then use some cleaned up ceiling fans or normal fans.
    Reply:Close all doors, windows, and shades. Be sure to check for leaks around your windows %26amp; doors. Caulk or install weather stripping. Install attic fans ( prevents 90% of heat coming from your roof) Switch incadescent bulbs to CFL's. Incadescent bulbs produce 90% heat %26amp; 10% light, where as CFL's produce 90% light %26amp; 10 % heat.

    If you're not allergic to baby powder, put baby powder between your sheets, this cools your bed tremendously. Drink lots of cold water %26amp; wear less clothes. You could also wet your shirt during the day so you can keep cool.

    I have severe allergies as well %26amp; have to resort to these as well. But we do have ceiling fans in every room, which help out A LOT!!!

    Good luck %26amp; God bless.
    Reply:I suffer with allergies and I am lucky enough to live in a dry climate (Denver, Colorado) so I use an evaporative cooler to cool my town house. I only use the blue synthetic evaporative pads they do a good job of keeping down the dust and pollen when wet. It doesn't cost a lot either. In the morning I turn the water pump on only and put one of those small single 9" window fans in the window of my 2nd story bedroom. I set it on high and use it to blow the hot air out of the bedroom. Since my town house has good seals on the windows and doors, the fan pulls cool air in through my cooler on the first floor as well. I let the fan run all day and let the pump run on the cooler as well. It keeps the main floor livable even when it gets near 100 here. When I get home I open the window upstairs and use the cooler like normal to get it nice and cool.

    safety boots

    If i am allergic to sunflowers, would i also be allergic to pollen free sunflowers?

    I think not, 'cause sunflowers seeds do not have pollen.

    I am extremely allergic to growing corn but I can eat corn without any problems!

    If i am allergic to sunflowers, would i also be allergic to pollen free sunflowers?
    What plant is pollen free? Stay away from it.
    Reply:See your physician and ask them to perform and allergy screening on you. That way you will know which allergens you are allergic to. Then they can discuss they best way for you to control your allergies. Building a good relationship with your physician is a must for keeping yourself healthy throught your life. Always be open and honest with your healthcare provider, and they will be helpful and more able to keep you healthy in the future.

    -Not all OTC allergy medications are similar, always consult your physician before starting a medication regimen.-
    Reply:No you wouldn't because it is the histamines in the pollen that trigger your allergies! :o)

    Why do leaves turn upside down when it is about to rain?

    We are having a debate at work over this. Is it because of the wind or are they trying to protect the pollen on their surfaces?

    Why do leaves turn upside down when it is about to rain?
    they're afraid of acid rain.
    Reply:They cannot transpire when wet (breathe by evaporation).
    Reply:"What about the leaves turning upside down? Well, there is a scientific explanation for this too. You may have heard of the term prevailing winds. Prevailing winds is a name given to the wind direction most often observed in an area. Here in Chester County, they are from the west, northwest in the winter, and southwest in the summer. Leaves that grow under prevailing westerly winds do strange things, when they are suddenly blown in a different direction, such as east, like turning over. And, you guessed it, a change in wind direction often preceeds rain!"

    Arrange the following five events in an order that explains the mass flow of materials in the phloem?

    Water diffuses into the sieve tubes

    leaf cells produce sugar by photosynthesis

    solutes are actively transproted into sieve tubes sugar is transported from cell to cell in the leaf sugar

    moves down the stem


    which of these is incorrectly paired with its life cycle generation?


    embryo sac-gametophyte




    Arrange the following five events in an order that explains the mass flow of materials in the phloem?
    Answer to question no 1--%26gt; the correct order

    1. leaf cells produce sugar by photosynthesis

    2. sugar is transported from cell to cell in the leaf

    3. solutes are actively transproted into sieve tubes

    4. Water diffuses into the sieve tubes

    5. sugar moves down the stem

    See this site for confirmation



    Answer to 2nd question

    Stamen should not be paired with sporophyte. Because the stamens are the male parts of the flower and they are made of a stalk called the filament with an anther on top. The anther contains the pollen. Therefore

    it should have been......

    Stamen -gametophyte ( along with pollen and anther)


    See this link to check (Please GO to flower part passage)


    These definitions may not surprise someone familiar with embryology. ... The stamens. The stamens are the male parts of the flower and they are made of a stalk called ...

    If interested you CAN also READ this review here....

    Is most commercial organic honey pasteurized?

    Where can I find non pasteurized honey or bee pollen? Are their any common commercial brands that sell it? My honey does not specify whether its pasteurized or not. But it says organic. Where can i find REAL honey?

    Is most commercial organic honey pasteurized?
    honey doesn't go bad, why pastureize it?
    Reply:you can find it in BEE's Poo...

    safety shoes
  • sunscreen protection
  • Does anyone know any good nature ways to help with allergies?

    pollen really kills me ever summer and over the counter meds just get expensive after a while. please help.

    Does anyone know any good nature ways to help with allergies?
    An allergy is an immune response. It could be called an over- reactive immune response. Contact an ear nose and throat doctor or any doctor that calls themselves an allegry specialist. If your not afraid of shots they can start you on injections for allergies. You start out going on a weekly basis usually and they phase out to going only a few times a year. I did a series of these injections 9 years ago and I have not had any serious allergies since. I have not needed to do the shots for the past 6 years.
    Reply:Go here now
    Reply:i have asthma and is allergic to any kind and form of allergen... i exercise regularly, drink ascorbic acid 500mg once a day, i never let my back get soaked in sweat and i eat lots of fruits and veggies and fish... try it... after 6 weeks i got healthier and i have a high immunity to allergens

    What kind of bug do I have around my house?

    The other day, my husband and I were outside and noticed what we thought were little bits of white pollen floating around. Upon further investigation, we noticed they were baby bugs. He caught one and it was no bigger than a sharpened pencil lead. It had two wings on each side (4 in total) and had striping (think bumble bee striping) down its body. It was a grayish-green color and the body was longer. All of them (I'm talking hundreds) were all floating along with bits of white silk (from a nest?) or cottonball type of material stuck to them. Any idea what they could be? From the wings and body, I at first thought they were dragonflies, but those come from eggs, don't they?

    What kind of bug do I have around my house?
    I don't know what they were but I do know that they weren't dragonflies. They lay eggs in the water and the nymphs live in the water until adult.

    inline skates

    Where can I get documentation on how Royal Jelly is produced and packaged?

    What special equipment would be required for the production of Royal Jelly, Pollen and Propoli from natural honey.

    Where can I get documentation on how Royal Jelly is produced and packaged?
    The link to the following company is for one which sells the equipment needed to produce these products.

    One of my hash plants is not flowering?

    It has pistils but no pollen sacks, the other plant is flowering really well.

    Could it be a hamaphradite.

    One of my hash plants is not flowering?
    Are they growing indoor or outdoor? If its indoor there may be light leaking into the room. The plant may be sick, is it drinking normaly? I would move the plant to another location and wait until its entirely dry to feed and just give it water. Try to keep it in the shade or not in direct light for a while until things change.
    Reply:Call the cops. They have a really

    good horticulturist and a botanist

    that will be happy to help you.
    Reply:Man, get that plant out of there! It is a male, males don't flower. Plus it will pollenate the female and ruin it, you won't be able to smoke it!!!!

    Is there any difference between allergies in Portland Oregon versus Seattle?

    I'm allergic to pollen in Portland, Oregon and will visit Seattle soon to see if the condition goes away. Does anyone know if there is a difference between the two cities for allergies?

    Is there any difference between allergies in Portland Oregon versus Seattle?
    I am no medical professional, but allergies are the same around the country, from what I heard. They can get pollen in Seattle, as much in Portland. If you want a better answer, speak to a doctor. He/she would be able to answer you further.
    Reply:Different city, same nose, i dont think so.
    Reply:It's all about location location location
    Reply:Portland and Seattle are more or less in exactly the same climate, where native plants are concerned. Unless you're allergic to some specific plant that only grows in Portland (and I'm not aware of any such thing), you'll likely find the same native, and exotic, plants growing in or around both cities.

  • white makeup
  • What is the best or the most powerful anti-fatigue or energizing thing?

    There many things used for increasing energy or increasing fatigue tolerance:

    -Korean Ginseng

    -Royal Jelly

    -Bee Pollen

    -Maca(Peruvian Gingseng)

    -Siberian Ginseng

    -Schisandra Chinensis


    Which one do you think it is the most powerful?

    What is the best or the most powerful anti-fatigue or energizing thing?
    Bee Pollen and/or Royal Jelly! They give you the energy without the jitters like Ginseng and especially Guarana Seed. Plus the Ginseng and Guarana only mask the fatigue and work by stimulating your adrenal glands. By over stimulating your adrenals you may begin to experience lower back pain.

    Bee Pollen and Royal Jelly both have the highest know natural sources of B Vitamins. They are "predigested" so you get very fast results. The B Vitamins are absorbed through the stomach therefore they do not have to travel the intestinal tract.

    Take them in the purest form to get the best results. The capsule form has a lot of fillers to keep it "free flowing". Plus one tablespoon of bee pollen has more protein than an 8 oz steak. It's high in complex carbs. and has many of the "good" bacteria we need to aid in digestion.

    For very long lasting and loads of energy take the bee pollen with the Guarana and a Vitamin C (esther C).

    For the freshest Bee Pollen and Royal Jelly, go to and order from them. This is where I get mine and they also have a lot of articles you can read to get more information.

    Good luck! I hope this helps!!
    Reply:exercise, exercise, exercise....i can't tell you as a middle aged great i feel now that i have been exercising for a few weeks. i got this recording on increasing desire to exercise..and it fact i crave it...i really miss it if i don't exercise 30 minutes a day.....the company that makes the cd is independent achievement productions and it made such a difference. good luck.
    Reply:Bee Pollen, because the sting will get you moving!
    Reply:I would not recommend any of the above unless your physician prescribed them.

    As another poster suggested, exercise is a great energizer. So is getting enough sleep, eating properly, and reducing stress. (Boring answers, I know, but they work).

    I recently began taking B-complex supplements at the recommendation of my physician, and am surprised at how much more energy I have, but then I had a B-vitamin deficiency that was symptomized by cracked, painful skin ulcers around my mouth.
    Reply:none of the above. adrenaline is the best of the best. but i think that ginseng sometimes does the trick but as for bee pollen? i didn't know that was a stimulant... nor would i expect it too..... do you have sources?
    Reply:These are all good....I believe in natural therapies but I believe a good attitude is the most powerful energizing thing you can have.

    choose roller blades

    Monday, February 13, 2012

    Have you ever taken allergy shots for eczema?

    I am allergic to: pollen, various trees, dust, mites, nuts and eggs. I have atopic eczema and seborrheic eczema. It was never a big deal, but this year it has flared up on my forehead and I hate it! Thats why I am considering starting an allergy shot treatment. Have you or anyone you know taken allergy shots for these allergies to fight eczema? Can you tell me about your experiences with allergy shots? Thanks a lot.

    Have you ever taken allergy shots for eczema?
    Hmmm...Thanks for the tip! I need to ask my doctor if there are allergy shots for Excema! Mine is totally intolerable and all over my legs!! UGH.
    Reply:Tesoro: Allergy shots are more effective on inhaled allergens than food allergens. If you don't start seeing a difference in about 9 to 12 months, I would discontinue. Immunotherapy either works for a person or it doesn't. If you ever talk to someone that tells you they have been taking allergy shots for 10 years....its not working for them. Unfortunately there is a large population that it does not work on. But for the people that it works on, it makes a big difference in quality of life and controlling health care costs. I am including a link to a great article that speaks to the need for careful patient selection. You might want to read that over and see if you fit into the "ideal" patient category

    What are some good ways to boost our immune system?

    My daughter (4) is always sick with something (cold, flu, ear infections, throat infections etc). Before I had her, I never really got colds but now I am getting sick all the time. We both take vitamins and fish oil daily. I take extra C and B vitamins occassionally. Someone on Y.A mentioned Honey to help immunity, would that be the same effectiveness as Bee Pollen capsules? I really want my daughter and I to have more energy and a stronger immune system, especially since I'm going back to college full time soon and can't miss any days.

    Please recommend something. Thanks

    What are some good ways to boost our immune system?
    Your daughter will develop a stronger immune system by catching colds and other childhood illnesses. She needs to get in the habit of covering sneezes and coughs with her arm (not her hand) and washing her hands often so that she won't pass things on to you.

    You'll catch fewer colds if you keep your hands away from your face and wash your hands frequently-- also clean telephone receivers and doorknobs.

    Exercise, plenty of rest, a healthy diet, and a high quality multi-vitamin should keep you strong. Also, both of you should get a flu shot this fall.
    Reply:To boost one's immune system, one must be physically active, has enough sleep, and avoids stress. I guess you should often take your daughter to a playground or a park. Instead of watching TV, you rather bring her to bed.
    Reply:nsc 24 beta-glucan
    Reply:orange juice
    Reply:The other answers about excercise are good, but if you're looking for something a little easier echinasea in the key. You can pick it up at any drug store. You have to cycle it though because you can develop and immunity to it. You only need to take it when you feel that there is a potential that you are starting to feel sick. It works miracles in very short periods of time and is very effective. If possible, try to get it in liquid form as appose to the capsules.
    Reply:I think is dangerous give pill to a 4 years old, you can have the same with a healthy food ,like fruit,fish,vegetables ,nuts,and juices.

    My opinion is that you inmune system fall when there is something wrong inside. I don't want to scare you but hink in it, maybe she is with some fear.

    The best is go to an homeopath, but please, don't give pill to your child, gives good quality of food,exercise,good rest and lots of love!!!. She will be fine!!!

    Good luck!!!
    Reply:The best way is stay in good condition which means exercise daily, keep your weight under control, get plenty of sleep, and eat well. No herbal remedies will improve your immune system, they will just waste your money.
    Reply:Alternative Medicine: Try Hypnosis / hypnotherapy. This is a good way to boost your immune system, %26amp; it is very safe %26amp;healthy ! Massage work %26amp; Reiki Treatments as well.
    Reply:You can try "Immune" or OPC

    Also think...

    1. How do you decide what supplements to take for your body? We are all very different individuals.

    2. How do you know how much you are taking is actually absorbed by your body?
    Reply:Colds and flu symptoms will lessen if you take LOCAL honey. This will help your body develop immunities to air born irritants around you. Echanacea is a good immunity booster but you can only take it sporadically. When you feel like you're coming down with something, that's when you pour on the echanacea. They have liquid for children with an eyedropper in the bottle. You can get it at the health food store. Bee pollen capsules are NOT LOCAL honey. You need to develop immunities to the stuff around you. The honey has these things in it because the bees gather the pollen on their legs as they go from flower to flower. The flowers catch whatever is in the air so bee pollen from who knows where is not gonna cut it. Of course, you should eat right, drink juice and water, and get into a regular sleep pattern. This worked for me when my kids were in school and bringing home everyone else's illnesses.
    Reply:To boost your immune system do as many of the following list as possible....

    1) keep practicing good personal hygiene care, wash your hands! The great plague of 1918 could have been avoided by practicing good personal hygiene.

    2) get plenty of rest. During deep sleep, our body release potent immune-enhancing substances that strengthen your immune system function. By not allowing our body sufficient rest, the immune system will sputter, and as a result, not function at full capacity. We then are more likely to become ill with common illnesses. A healthy, deep sleep allows our body to release a significant amount of growth hormone that boost the immune system and aids in the growth and repair of the body.

    3) get moderate and regular exercise

    An increase in blood flow associated with moderate exercise helps to circulate antibodies along with white blood cells necessary to fight infection more quickly. As a result, this provides our bodies with an early warning system to ward off potentially damaging germs. In addition, the increase in body temperature as a result of physical activity may aid in inhibiting the growth of bacteria; thus allowing the body to fight infection more effectively.

    4) Receiving a Regular Body Cleansing.

    Body cleansing is essential because our bodies need to properly eliminate the toxic build up that has formed in our intestines (colon), which may lead to sickness and disease. Our body organs and tissues must be free of toxins for the immune system to function optimally thus enabling our bodies to receive the essential nutrients our bodies need.

    5) Boost immune system by drinking plenty of filtered water.

    Water is essential for all living things and keeps our immune system operating optimally while improving the way we feel, look and live. Without sufficient amounts of water, you may experience routine fatigue, dry skin, headaches, constipation, and a decrease normal bodily function which may lead to your body unable to fight off diseases. Without water we would literally dehydrate which could result in the shutting down of vital organs and ultimately end in death.

    6) Eliminate all sugar and allergens from your diet.

    Just a small amount of sugar has been proven to impair white blood cells up to 50% for very short periods of time. By discovering what our personal food allergies are, then eliminating or desensitizing them will help strengthen your immune system. By removing these triggers, our immune cells are strengthened in order to combat other invaders such as influenza rather than the allergen. The elimination of sugar from your diet can also strengthen immune system.

    7) Eat nutritiously

    Good foods to eat include organic fruits and vegetables, chloretta, medicinal mushrooms like maitake, shiitake, reishi, or turkey tail. Besides water, wheatgrass juice, aloe vera juice, or green tea are good drinks. My favorite is MonaVie juice.

    8) Take supplements

    Supplements are needed because our bodies can not produce the nutrients necessary to maintain optimum health. There are many nutrients needed in order to maintain a strong immune system. It is very challenging in the world we live in to obtain sufficient nutrition with the foods available to us. They are over processed and void of many essential nutrients. Additionally, food is grown in soils that have been over-planted and saturated with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Vitamin and mineral deficiency subjects us to more diseases, aging, sickness, and the weakening of our immune system.

    Best herbs include echinacea, goldenseal, garlic, olive leaf extract, elderberry, or astragalus.

    Best vitamins include Vitamin A, C, or E. These are a good source of antioxidants, which will boost your immune system.

    The minerals zinc and selenium also help with boosting your immune system.

    As you can see, there is no one magic cure, one supplement, or one way to boost your immune system, but there are many things you can do to reduce the risk of getting sick.

    More details can be found at the website in the source box.
    Reply:There are many natural immune system enhancers available in health food stores. Some great ones are plant extracts:

    1. Olive leaf extract

    2. Pycnogynol (pine bark extract)

    3. Echinacea (liquid extract is best)

    4. Goldenseal

    This is just a partial list. There are also some great plant foods that help strengthen the immune system:

    1. Spirulina %26amp; Chlorella

    2. Maca root

    3. Dulce, Kelp and other sea vegetables

    4. Dark green leafy vegetables

    The easiest way to get all this is with a powdered formula, called a green superfood drink. Some links are listed below for some trustworthy products. Another I could not find a link to is called Miracle Green. I've also listed a couple of articles, including my own on the subject (and I'll be doing more on this). Anyway, find a good green drink and add one or more of the extracts from the first list and you'll be in great shape.

    How safe is my cat? He ate petal of stargazer lily and has tons of times?

    He had some pollen on him so I wondered if it was safe. He's eaten those petals tons of times over the past but today I decided to look it up. Should I worry because he's been safe all the times before?

    How safe is my cat? He ate petal of stargazer lily and has tons of times?
    so if he's eaten it tons of other times, and has been fine, what's different this time? all that has changed is that you looked it up this time... lol

    just keep an eye on him, if he starts acting weird, THEN worry...

    I dont know anything about them, but if it says they're bad for cats then just try putting it somewhere he cant get to it in the future..

    good luck =)
    Reply:Ingestion of lilies and cats is VERY serious... you should bite the bullet and call Animal Poison Control... it takes less than a petal ingested to shut down kidney function in a cat. The amount of Lily toxin in a vase of water is very concerning... if this is a toxic amount, then the sooner your cat gets treatment, the better chance you'll have of saving his/her life... call Animal Poison Control for peace of mind; they're equiped to tell you exactly what to be concerned about... be aware that the fee is $60. I know it's a lot of money, but if you wait (you won't see immediate signs of acute renal tubular necrosis due to lily intoxication... it will show up a few days later with inappetence and decreased urination...), you could be risking your cat's life.

    ASPCA Animal Poison Control (888) 426-4435

    What am I allergic to in my own home?

    I consider myself to be an intelligent individual, however, I have no idea what is causing my allergies to act up mainly when I am at home. I live in an apartment in an urban environment. I clean. I dust almost everyday or so it seems...yet my allergies acts up the majority of the time only when I am at home.

    During the months of August-April, I am gone 14-16 hrs of the day so I am not at home that much and my allergies do not effect me that much...but when I am home from April-July, when I am home everyday, they wreak havoc on me. I also realize that is springtime...hence more pollen.

    I have tried various types of air filters..with no luck. Needless to say, my medicine cabinet has much benadryl.

    What am I missing that could cause my allergies to flare up when I am at home? Is there a specific type of air filter I should buy? What are some suggestions?

    What am I allergic to in my own home?
    My sister in law had the same problem except she had headaches. they removed all the carpet in their home an put down hardwood flooring. Her headaches immediately stopped. The carpet eventhough it was clean trapps lots of dirt an allergens under it and in it. If you dont want to remove your carpet try having it professionally cleaned
    Reply:I had never lived in a house that had carpet in the bedrooms (always had hardwood or tile) until about 9 years ago. I've always had allergies, but they were easily dealt with until I started sleeping in the carpeted room. We have started replacing the carpet with laminate, one room at a time, and I can already tell a difference. I've talked to a lot of people that have had the same sort of experiences, so it might be something for you to consider.
    Reply:Oh boy, Benadryl, how can you stay awake. Have your tried Claritan-D. Could be the fibers in your furniture or carpets or curtains. Do you have any damp places where mold could be growing. Have you thought about getting a new mattress. Have you assessed what's different from your apartment and elsewhere. I don't have an air purifier recommendation.
    Reply:It could be mold under your flooring. How old is the lonolium/carpet in your apartment?
    Reply:the mold under your flooring, take claritan-b for your allergic reactions to go away.
    Reply:Do you have any pets?
    Reply:why dont u clean up a little better? huh u PIG

    What are some of the best hotels
  • makeup brush
  • Is man a natural part of the environment?

    I've heard so many environmentalist types condemn man's activities to unnatural phenomenon. We are made up of the same things the rest of earth and it's life are.

    Couldn't you make the argument that our harvesting of fossil fuels serves some sort of cosmic purpose. Perhaps our actions are not so foreign.

    Bees harvest pollen without realizing the wider function they perform. Whose to say freeing locked up CO2 is not one function of humanity?

    Is man a natural part of the environment?
    I totally agree. Man has his place on this earth, and belongs here. We might be human, but we are still animals-like it or not. I also believe that removing man from the environment where man has roamed since man has existed via Wilderness Areas-(practically impossibile to access) is creating an unnatural nature, and offsetting the balance of everything. Animals, and humans are learning to forget what each other are. Some think this is a good thing. I think it's ridicilously stupid.

    As for climate...Twenty years ago it was going to be a global ice age. Ten years ago it was global warming. Now the phrase is 'climate change.' They have no clue, but they have government funding, and a $75,000+ income that tells them that they are smarter than us.
    Reply:If your idea of natural is sucking black goo out of the earth, "refining" it, and burning it in a manufactured hunk of metal and plastics (more petroleum), which is manufactured by more refined and engineered metal and plastics, then I guess by your definition everything associated with humans is natural. Except that your definition is illogical. Where in nature do you see an automobile naturally occurring, or a power plant? They don't without intelligent beings with the cognitive ability to affect their surroundings. Everything else in nature works in equilibrium, except humans.

    Spin it however you want, but you can't get past the fact that we can affect the environment. This has to be one of the greatest uses of the human brain for the purpose of denial I've ever encountered!
    Reply:Gotta give you credit for creativity in trying to justify our actions and the consequences (LOL)!

    Yes, we're part of it (like it or not). Organisms that are harmful to their own food chain die off, and if they alter the entire environment they're living in, they are at a high risk for extinction.

    I would have to conclude that since we did not gradually evolve using increasing amounts of fossil fuels, that our use of fossil fuels fails the "natural purpose" test (nice try though).

    For the religiously inclined, our willfully choosing to bring about our own destruction could serve a purpose. The Bible predicts in Revelation chapter 11 verse 18:

    "God will destroy the destroyers of the earth"

    It sure looks like people continuing to emit greenhouse gases without offsetting carbon credits (or anyone advocating that lifestyle) fits the description of "destroyers of the earth".
    Reply:If you have to reach as far as the "cosmic purpose" argument to justify befouling the only planet we have in our repertoire, all I can say is 'good for you.'

    If for no other reason than we claim to be more intelligent, we should assume a stewardship role in our planet, and ensure good care -- the best of care -- is taken of Planet Earth. This serves our interests, as almost everything we've done to degrade the planet comes back at us in a negative way. If we treat the planet well, we treat ourselves well.

    Our carbon footprint is horrific, and we need to deal with that before we can say we're a 'natural part of the environment.'
    Reply:Depends on how you define natural. We may have started off natural but are increasingly becoming out of touch with nature by using harmful chemicals, spewing pollution into the environment, clear cutting and burning large swaths of forests just to raise more meat we really didn't need in the first place,etc.

    There is nothing natural about what we are doing if you define natural as living in harmony with nature. All unnatural acts in regards to environmental degradation really come down to one thing, our mindset. We believe that nature is something that can be owned, that we are better than it and the creatures that inhabit it.

    This disrespect doesn't escape the confines of karma. We are degrading our biosphere to the point we may very likely not be able to exist in it anymore, nor want to. That is if we do not do a 180 degree about race in our attitudes and actions.

    There is still time. The real question is are there enough of us who care to reach the critical mass necessary to influence the vast majority of the world citizens.

    I surely hope so or else why would I even bother writing this response. There is much work is ahead of us so lets not tarry and just do what needs to be done.
    Reply:Sure humans are part of nature. But that doesn't mean we are immune to seriously damaging our own habitat. We are the only species capable of such extensive environmental change. We can use that capability wisely, so that it's good for us and other species (since we are more dependent than most people think) or we can use it foolishly harming both ourselves and countless other species.
    Reply:Sure. Global warming is not "unnatural" in that sense.

    But if we do nothing this change, natural or not, will cost us a WHOLE LOT of money.

    Probably best to avoid that, as much as we can. "Natural" or not.
    Reply:One "cosmic purpose" the harvesting of fossil fuels will serve is to teach galactic anthropologists just how quickly a species can annihilate itself and pollute their environment beyond the point of no return. Other cultures may benefit by Man's stupidity!
    Reply:we are from the earth and of the earth. we are a part of nature thus part of the environment, not apart from it.
    Reply:Sure are. Internal combustion engines are not though.

    How long to wait before washing a NEW car?

    Hey.. I just picked up my new C300 last Thursday up here on Long Island. Pollen was ridiculous and took over my entire car (black). I was wondering when a safe time would be to send it through the car wash (I didn't want to do anything to the wax that is still on the paint).. Should I go today? or wait another week or two.

    How long to wait before washing a NEW car?
    you could have washed it the first day you brought it home, the paint is cured at the factory and is ready to wash and wax before it even leaves the car assembly plant.
    Reply:You can wash it anytime. The dealer probably did a detail wash before you picked it up, so there's always the option for you to wash it.

    my curiosity is stirred - pollen that is black, most pollen that I've seen is yellow.
    Reply:you can wash it right away .There is no wax on it unless the dealer or you put it on. If not you may wax it also...........UJN
    Reply:you wait until the car is dirty, that is all. not time specification unless you just had the car painted.
    Reply:Go today your car was painted months ago at the factory. Paint is fine.
    Reply:It's ok to wash now.
    Reply:wash it when needed...

    Breathing trouble getting in the way with my running?

    I recently contracted Reactive Airways Disease and have been forced to stop running outdoors. I'm wondering if there's any way I can get around the breathing difficulties I face when running. If indoors on a treadmill, my breathing is fine, and I doubt pollen or other allergens have anything to do with this as I live and run in the city. Would taking my inhaler before and after runs help? Or is there an easier/better way of going about this?

    Breathing trouble getting in the way with my running?
    Using your inhaler approx. 20 minutes before you run will help. If you have been diagnosed with the RAD (reactive airway disease), the inhaler will help calm the bronchial tissues/muscles and prevent or lessen the spasms in the bronchial tubes. Many things can trigger your RAD, figuring out what the source of the problem is will help determine the best treatment for you. If it is an allergy, figure out which allergy/allergies you have. then treat it. Also, try wearing a maks over your mouth and nose. This will help prevent the allergens from entering your airway.

    Hope this helps
    Reply:I too have problems when running /cycling but my problem is from Sarcoidosis which has caused me restriction in my lung capacity.

    I don't know anything about your disease, so I can't tell you whether its terminal or it will eventually go away, Anything with a steroid content will tend to help but its not a permenant solution

    I too can use a treadmill without any trouble but I've kind of come to accept that when outdoors I don't have the lung capacity that I once had, its a difficult one but maybe its a case of getting your mind round the idea that you can't do what you used to, but be glad that you can do it at all.
    Reply:If you have the issue with running OUTSIDE, but not indoor, then it definitely sounds like allergies. Smog and exhaust can cause allergic reactions just like pollen. Try taking OTC allergy meds for a few days, then try running outside again. If you notice a difference (less of a breathing problem), then you should see an allergist.
    Reply:Open your mouth when you're running. Not just use your nose to breath, use your mouth, too.
    Reply:get an inhaler
    Reply:The inhaler is a good option before you run. And it's sounds that it might be the exhuast from vehicles. be sure to drink plenty of water too.