Thursday, January 26, 2012

Are pollen masks effective for preventing allergies leading to asthma?

My 4 yr old son has just been diagnosed with asthma. It was a nightmare to see him struggle for air that one time when he had a sever attack.

Now I am looking alternative ways to make his life as normal as possible since putting him in a BUBBLE is quite out of this world. I have been giving him a daily dose of 'claritin' to prevent pollen allergies (i will stop once pollen is low, it is quite high in houston, tx now). I have purchased air ionizers for each room in the house. I now vacuum once daily using my newly purchased 'walter filtration vacuum'. Seriously, a bubble would have been cheaper to purchase.

Since I cannot prevent him from going outside to play with his friends, I would like to know if pollen masks are effective. Has anyone tried it?

Are pollen masks effective for preventing allergies leading to asthma?
Allergen masks are good for temporary relief but its not good to wear them for hours at a stretch.Check with your child's doctor before experimenting with them.As hard as it seems you really do need to keep him out of the range of his allergens on days when the allergy index is high.Encourage your child to find fun and creative uses for his time indoors,tv should be limited and having crafts,hobbies,puzzles or other mental and learning activities should be encouraged this will help ease stress.Air filters are very important as well.As far as going out to play with his friends are concerned,why not have his friends over on particularly bad days ALLERGY WISE.Otherwise encourage your child to play outdoors later in the day when the allergy levels tend to dive down.And make sure your child stays inside when he is having a flair.

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